A unified workspace. Even outside the workplace.

Manage all patient records, dental charts, prescriptions, documents, files, forms, allergies, and all patient documentation on the same platform accessible on any modern smartphone or computer.

Customized protocols

Customized protocols

Customize your electronic medical record protocols in seconds using our library of specialty-specific protocols or develop them specifically for your needs.

Online odontogram

Online odontogram

Support treatment plans with dental documentation by face, root, and tooth, or treatments involving implants or appliances. Additionally, you can document during appointments using a tablet or smartphone.

Artificial intelligence in medicine

Artificial intelligence in medicine

Through the Ninsaúde Houdini algorithm, our clients will have access to a medical assistant always ready to discuss diagnoses and assist in selecting tests with greater precision.

Sharing electronic medical records

Sharing electronic medical records

Groups of professionals can share medical records among themselves to stay updated on the patient's condition, especially in cases of surgical procedures where multiple specialties are required.

No-code & Low-code healthcare platform

No-code & Low-code healthcare platform

Build forms and printed document templates with low coding.

Digital signature and legal validity

With Ninsaúde electronic records, you have the same legal validity as paper records, as long as digital certificates are used.

Furthermore, the exclusive use of electronic medical records reduces the workload of secretaries who no longer need to deal with the process of requesting paper records.



Attend to patients and prescribe medications through teleconsultation without additional integrations. All within your electronic medical record system.

File storage

File storage

Digitize your old paper records and store examination results, comparative photos of cosmetic treatments, patient contracts, and other files. We have our own file system and integration with Google Drive.

Electronic prescription

Electronic prescription

Improve the clinical outcomes of your patients by searching for and comparing drug prices during the prescription. And the best part is, no printing or stamping required.

Attendance order for franchises and multidisciplinary clinics

Attend to patients who have scheduled appointments with more than one healthcare professional on the same day while respecting the queue for service. This feature is widely used by medical coworking spaces, polyclinics, and multidisciplinary clinics.

Attendance order for franchises and multidisciplinary clinics

Frequently asked questions

What type of digital certificate should I buy?
Ninsaúde only works with type A1 certificates.
Do I need to scan my signature?
No, it is not necessary. The digital certificate uses encryption to represent your signature.
What documents are required to purchase a certificate?
The required documents are an identification card (social security number or driver's License), proof of residence or domicile issued no more than 3 months ago, and two copies of the ownership certificate (generate the certificate here). Both copies of the ownership certificate must be signed in front of post office employees.

We have the ideal tools to increase productivity and streamline teamwork.


The intelligent stopwatch of Ninsaúde displays visual alerts to increase profitability and reduce patient wait times.


Instead of typing, you can dictate, and the Ninsaúde clinic software inserts everything for you. This feature is perfect for quick notes.

Custom cards

Personalize Ninsaúde according to your preferences, adjusting cards with evolving graphics, tags, ICDs, groups, insurances, and other counting options.

Whether in the clinic, hospital, at home, at the airport, or anywhere else, you can access our services using your tablet, mobile phone, or laptop.

Whether in the clinic, hospital, at home, at the airport, or anywhere else, you can access our services using your tablet, mobile phone, or laptop

Ready to start?

Ninsaúde consultants can collaborate with you to address your challenges and help you achieve leadership.
